Sunday, May 20, 2012

It's been a week since we discovered Pottermore.  I have to admit that being a Slytherin has been a really hard thing to cope with, so much so that I have created other Pottermore acounts for myself using my middle and last name, first and maiden name, full name, and different email accounts to sign up for Pottermore again and try and be sorted into Gryffindor.  After six more tries, my husband finally intervened and told me that I was going about it all wrong. The Sorting Hat originally put my in Slytherin, but when I tried to maniputlate the system, I kept being sorted into Hufflepuff house.  Not that there is anything wrong with Hufflepuffs, but I just couldn't be one.  I was distraught, not only that I was a Slytherin or Hufflepuff, but that I am 34 and even worrying that I wasn't in Gryffindor.  I finally let my husband sign me up again and he got be into Gryffindor the first time. 

I shoudl be so happy, but now I feel guilty that I just didn't support the Sorting Hat's first result.  This is so my personality.  Hot and cold, and so quickly.  It's really quite embarrassing, or at least it should be.

Today at church we had a wonderful lesson in YW's about the importance of keeping a journal.  I kept thinking about how I have wanted to do this forever, and so in an attempt I am trying to blog.  Then I thought about the posts I have written, and was a little embarrassed that I have spent quite a bit lamenting my experience on Pottermore.  I don't think this information will help the generations of the future.  I will try and write at least one life lesson here and there to pass on to my posterity.

To get started, in ward council the bishop shared a scripture that was really touching to me.  He shared the scripture in D & C 6:16, and focused on the part that reads, "there is none else save God that knowest the thoughts and the intenst of thy heart."  It's just nice to be reminded that even if I sometimes worry about what others may think about me, God knows my true intentions and thoughts.  It's comforting, and was a good reminder.

Well that's it for now.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

So today some of my kids and I got onto Pottermore and started our own accounts and were sorted into our houses.  My oldest proudly and boisterously announced she was a Gryfindor, while my son and I were sorted into the Slytherin house.  I'm not  quite sure how I feel about that.  I mean, I think as an adult I can handle it, but for my son, I just don't know if he is okay with it.  I think he will feel better about it since I'm in his house, but come on!  We all know that there isn't a witch or wizard that hasn't gone bad that's  in Slytherin!  And also, doesn't Dumbledore tell Harry that the sorting hat let Harry choose between Gryfindor and Slytherin?  I didn't feel like I got to choose.  Sure I answered some questions and made choices with those questions, but when it came down to it the Pottermore website decided that I was a Slytherin.  Oh well, at least with the Pottermore website I feel like I get to fulfill my dream of actually going to Hogwarts.  It's such a fun world and really does take you into the Harry Potter world that you've always dreamed of.  As you can see, I'm a HP fan!

In other news, it's Mother's day, and it was a great one.  I had the best MD breakfast so far to date.  My oldest made some yummy german pancakes all by herself and set a place at the table just for me with some fresh fruit sprinkled with powdered sugar.  It was very aesthetically pleaseing to the eye, and very pleasing to my taste buds.  As for gifts, I was sent an errand by my hubby to pick out my own gifts, so no surprises there, which is the way we do things around here. 

Mother's Day is a great day for some and just one more day to get through for others.  I don't really have strong feelings one way or the other.  I really enjoying seeing the primary kids sing during sacrament meeting.  That always makes me tear up, and the kids are hilarious to watch.  Number one is old enough to feel like she is too old to get up and sing, but still does it.  Number two sings because he is asked to, and at least acts like he likes it, while number three goes up because we make him and then with a dubious look on his face scowls as he mouths the words every now and then.  Number four goes up to be with all the kids but has no idea what the other kids are singing.  She just knows hat she needs to be there with all the rest of the family.  It's always entertaining. 

Brock had help sub in primary today and was in charge of singing and sharing time.  I was told by one of the ym leaders that he did a fantastic job, but that for him, Primary will never be the same since for the first time he got to dance like the Lord of the Dance while singing "I am like a Star shining brightly".  I can only imagine the reverence that was felt in that room. 

Well that's it for now.  I'm off to bed.